being raised in a very legalistic church where it was taught that the Holy Spirit baptism was for that generation, has made it so hard for me to accept and desire this gift. I want so much more in my relationship with Jesus, and am seeking and praying like never before. I loved your lesson and have been studying these things in search of what God has for me. Thanks for being led by the Spirit and by God.
Thank you Mary. The topic of Holy Spirit Baptism is definitely one to spark conversation. We are glad you tuned in and invite you to check out the entire series. Number 3, from yesterday, will be posted early this week. Blessings.
being raised in a very legalistic church where it was taught that the Holy Spirit baptism was for that generation, has made it so hard for me to accept and desire this gift. I want so much more in my relationship with Jesus, and am seeking and praying like never before. I loved your lesson and have been studying these things in search of what God has for me. Thanks for being led by the Spirit and by God.
Thank you Mary. The topic of Holy Spirit Baptism is definitely one to spark conversation. We are glad you tuned in and invite you to check out the entire series. Number 3, from yesterday, will be posted early this week. Blessings.