December 21, 2016
Pastor Joshua expounds on the meaning and importance of the name “Christ”. It describes Jesus as selected by God to save mankind, anointed by the Holy Spirit, and cleared to know every mystery and execute the judgments of God.
December 21, 2016
Pastor Joshua expounds on the meaning and importance of the name “Christ”. It describes Jesus as selected by God to save mankind, anointed by the Holy Spirit, and cleared to know every mystery and execute the judgments of God.
December 14, 2016
Pastor Josh teaches from Romans 5:1-8 that we need the peace between us and God that brings Jesus because without it we live guilty of our sins lacking in ourselves what is necessary to be righteous. Jesus’ peace justifies us as right before God, brings us into close allegiance with God, and gives us confidence because Jesus gives us what we lack to make it through even the most trying times.
November 23, 2016
Pastor Josh preaches from Psalm 100 about thanksgiving and describes how to go from being ungrateful to living a lifestyle of gratitude. “The first enemy to gratitude is a restricted view of our lives. Too often we choose to center our thoughts, our conversation, our attitudes on everything thats negative instead of stepping back and looking at the whole picture and seeing that it’s not all bad.” -Pastor Joshua Cole
November 18, 2016
Pastor Josh preaches from the word of God about hope for the future of the Body of Christ and expounds on God’s plan for the rapture, righteous judgement, union, authority, new Jerusalem and the hope of glory. “Your expectations of the final outcome of the church determine your beliefs of what the church should be right now.” -Pastor Joshua Cole
November 1, 2016
Pastor Josh preaches about tearing down the idols of the heart, which are a result of fear, by seeking the kingdom of God. “When we allow fear to continue in our emotions we choose to believe evil of God and that evil things are going to happen.” -Pastor Joshua Cole
October 27, 2016
Pastor Josh preaches about the cause and effect of fear entering humanity and discusses the life we were created to experience outside of fear. “When humans chose not to love God it was as if a candle had been blown out leaving only darkness in the room. Fear engulfed our hearts when love left, that is the beginning of fear. God did not create fear.” -Pastor Joshua Cole
October 13, 2016
Pastor Joshua preaches the third sermon of his series on Ephesians about knowing our identity in Christ. The focus in chapter three shifts to revelation of our identity through understanding the purpose with which we were created, to reveal the mysteries of God. “The whole family in heaven and earth is named after Jesus Christ. Just as Adam clarified the identity of animals when he named them in the Garden of Eden. Everybody’s identity in the family of God has been clarified by God giving you a name. You have an identity in Christ.” – Pastor Joshua Cole
October 6, 2016
Pastor Joshua preaches from Ephesians 2 about our identity in Christ as being a part of a holy nation called spiritual Israel. To fully understand ones identity in Christ one must understand the collective identity of the church. “The Jews are the only type of people that had God an hope in their lives. But it doesn’t stop there. God solved our dilemma of being strangers to all the salvation that the Jews had. He sent His only Son Jesus to die for our sins. So if we as Gentiles will believe in our heart and confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and that He was raised from the dead, then we are made on with the nation of Israel in God’s eyes.” – Pastor Joshua Cole
September 29, 2016
Pastor Joshua preaches out of Ephesians 1 about our identity through the lens of what God has done, what we have and who we are. “Whether your identity works for you in life or doesn’t depends not on your identity, but on how much of it you understand.” – Pastor Joshua Cole