Stranger Danger
March 5, 2023
1-29-17 Stewardship of the Local Body
February 9, 2017
Pastor Joshua elaborates on the story of Nehemiah kicking Tobiah out of the rebuilt temple and dealing with the compromise of the church’s leaders to illustrate how great care must be taken by all of us to never allow compromising sins into our personal lives. For compromise of Godly values produces alliances with the enemies of God and that degrades the vitality of the local church.
11-06-16 HOPE for the Future of the Church
November 18, 2016
Pastor Josh preaches from the word of God about hope for the future of the Body of Christ and expounds on God’s plan for the rapture, righteous judgement, union, authority, new Jerusalem and the hope of glory. “Your expectations of the final outcome of the church determine your beliefs of what the church should be right now.” -Pastor Joshua Cole